Because we  understand that the game evolves and our knowledge must evolve too. 

Because we have a vision for the future and we prepare players so that they'll be ready to face the unknown.

Because we associate good athletes to good people.

Because our goal is to develop good people who, through sport, have the ability to face life's challenges!

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Why Evolve

The sports industry has been growing more and more over the past decades. Sports and especially playing game sports have become widely popular, wether we talk about jogging, going to the gym or playing a game.

For us the movement is not only a way to feel good and connected to our bodies but also a learning tool.

We aim to debunk the myth that good athletes can’t be people of culture or good students in school and we put our best effort into creating a new stereotype.
The Evolve project it’s a whole rounded educational project that grows around the idea that in order to be successful athletes our students must own the keys to success in life.
Tennis won't always work out for them, as high performance sports are very competitive and spots in the elite level are limited. Either way, we believe that through our program players can acquire the skills that will help them to be more practical, efficient, productive and competitive in life as well as empathic, understanding and respectful of the environment and other people.

Our fitness and tennis programs are not designed to work on everyone but, instead we adapt the program to everyone of our students, in according to their traits and the physics of the sport they play, helping them to find their own strokes.

In conclusion, we aim to create a mindset for our players and to give them those tools through practical challenges that are proven to be effective, following both science and empirical studies.

It’s all about the project

Everyone heard at least once about a wonder kid who supposedly has potential and talent to become the next world number 1 

So what does happen to all these kids?
How many world number 1 in Juniors’ tennis actually follow the same pattern when they get to the seniors’ tour?

History from over the past decades taught us that early results in sports, as much as they might look promising, they don’t actually guarantee anything later on during these young stars’ careers.
So what’s the difference between the elite players and those who had the potential but never got to the peak of the mountain?

Values like perseverance, fighting spirit, passion and a bit of obsession can help the young players to not give up on themselves too soon but, we also believe that the 50% of players development lies in having a good project from the very beginning.

After all, aspiring pros are young entrepreneurs who are trying to run their own start-up company, surfing through the highs and lows on the way to the top. As any other company they own different departments that represent the different sides of the game: technical, tactical, physical and mental.
Learning about planning, planting the seeds and patiently wait for the plant to grow are very powerful tools that our players will benefit all along their lives, in and out the court, no matter what they’ll decide to do with it.

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